To preface this post, my stomach is currently telling me how much it hates me. I may or may not be lactose intolerant. But ice cream sounded really great tonight after work. So, a friend and I went to get shakes in celebration of getting out of Kansan the newsroom early.
First, I was deeply saddened when I learned that the great J.D. Salinger passed away today at the age of 91. I opened up a browser window; New York Times is my homepage and there the story was. Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite books of all time. In fact, the book might flat-out be my favorite. I remember reading the book my junior year of high school and I couldn't put it down. Probably the fastest I've ever read a book. I will admit that as a journalist, I find it interesting that one of my favorite authors avoided media most of his life. I don't want to invest too much of this post into talking about my favorite literary works, but I felt paying tribute to J.D. Salinger was important.
Next, I think it's hilarious that a school in California "banned" the dictionary. The school claims they didn't ban the dictionary but merely moved the reference books to a temporary location for a while. It's really great.
That's all I have to say for this post. My stomach is still making odious sounds. In other news, I decided one of my new favorite words is "usurp."
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